Summary of 10 searching results about green party official website

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PAGE CREATED ON : 26/01/2022
LAST UPDATED DATE : 26/01/2022

The Green Party of the United States deplores the waste of lives and treasure involved in America’s longest overseas war. Nearly 200,000 Afghans dead, almost 2,500 U.S. servicemen and women killed, trillions of dollars in American taxpayers’ money and twenty years of lost opportunities for building a more equitable and just society at home – all for nothing.

This site includes pages from our standing committees, along with additional resources & historical material for the Green Party. Among the material collected here are national and state party press releases that pre-date 2017. Return to our primary site,

The Green Party is different because we are governed by our principles and values. Read more . 10 Key Values Diversity, Gender Equity, Social Justice, Grassroots Democracy, Non-Violence, Ecological Wisdom, Decentralization, Community Economics, Personal & …

Home – Green Party. 40 Years of the Green Party. December 1981 to December 2021. Find out more Find out more. Real change only comes when we act together. Read the Programme for Government. OUR SHARED FUTURE OUR SHARED FUTURE. Get the Green Gazette. Our Movement is Growing.

The Green Party of Virginia is dedicated to promoting the Four Pillars – Ecological Wisdom, Grassroots Democracy, Peace, and Social Justice – throughout Virginia. If you are interested in joining an existing local, please contact the local chair. If you are interested in starting a new local or receiving the GPVA endorsement to run for office …

Sep 05, 2021 · Sad news on the loss of Florida Green, Jeff Roby. Dear Florida Greens and friends, It is with a sad heart that the Green Party of Florida shares the loss of a tireless advocate for working people. Jeff Roby passed yesterday.

Official website. The Green Party of the United States (Green Party) is the fourth-largest political party in the United States. According to its website, the Green Party is “an independent political party that is connected to American social movements, and is part of a global Green movement that shares key values, including our Four Pillars …

In government, the Green Party has led the way on tackling climate change, reducing inequality and protecting nature. We’re proud of our track reco… Local Our Local Government Representatives Meet our people spreading the seeds of Green change across Aotearoa at the local level. Volunteer …

Howie is also one of the original Greens in the United States, having participated in the first national meeting to organize a US Green Party in St. Paul, Minnesota in August 1984. As the Green Party’s candidate for governor of New York in 2010, 2014, and 2018, each time he received enough votes to qualify the Green Party for a ballot line …

History Background and foundation. The Federation of Green Lists was formed in 1984 by leading environmentalists and anti-nuclear activists, notably including Gianni Mattioli, Gianfranco Amendola, Massimo Scalia and Alexander Langer.. The party made its debut at the 1987 general election and obtained 2.6% of the vote, gaining 13 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and two …


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