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PAGE CREATED ON : 25/01/2022
LAST UPDATED DATE : 25/01/2022

At Farberware, we’re committed to your satisfaction. From your Farberware Cookware account and order tracking to product registration, use and care, warranty information and more, we are here with information, resources and direct assistance to support your selection.

FARBERWARE® traces its roots way back to the year 1900 when S.W. Farber, a tinsmith, set up shop on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Quality, classic styling, tradition, reliability, value ~ these are attributes synonymous with the FARBERWARE® brand for over 100 years.

Explore licensing opportunities with Farberware for a range of available categories. Farberware is synonymous with quality and reliability and is one of the best known home brands.

For immediate needs please use. Live Chat Support. You may contact us by telephone Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 4:30pm PT (Pacific Time) excluding holidays at: (800) 388-3872. You also may reach us by mail at: Farberware. Consumer Relations. 2001 Meyer Way.

Farberware. Farberware Classic. Farberware Professional. Farberware Black. A Microwave Oven For Every Scenario. Farberware microwave ovens offer a variety of styles, sizes and power along with essential features and settings customized to your needs. Farberware has been a trusted brand for over 100 years.

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Cookers. Toasters. 12-Cup* Coffee Maker. 5-Cup* Coffeemaker. 2-4 Cup* Electric Percolator, Stainless Steel. 2-8 Cup* Electric Percolator, Stainless …

Farberware Orders and Returns. Farberware Product Safety. Farberware Rebate Help. Farberware Use and Care. Help Desk Software by Freshdesk Support Desk Theme by Breezy Themes – – …

Comfee MF-TN2501-White MFTN-2501W Air Fryer, 2.6Qt, 01.White. 1500 watt electric air fryer with 3D airflow system for the crunchy taste of fried food. 60 minutes Timer with auto shut off function. Adjustable thermostat from 175ºf to about 392ºf. Removable 2. …

PERCOLATORS. KNIVES & CUTTING BOARDS. KITCHENWARE. 120 Years & Counting. One of the oldest and most trusted brands in American housewares, Farberware has a rich tradition of offering quality cookware for generations. Quality, reliability and value have remained synonymous with the Farberware brand for 120 years… and counting. Play Video.



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